Friday, December 16, 2005

Victory Assured

Well, I did it: I read all 30+ pages of propaganda the White House and the NSA call the plan for victory in Iraq. Actually, many good points are made in the document.
But like one reporter commented recently, shouldn't President Bush have had a plan for victory before we invaded Iraq? I'm sure the troops there would like to know that we actually had some idea what we were trying to accomplish prior to the occupation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you just write this and somehow have the post date show up as last month? If so, you should show Bush how you did that. Maybe he could do the some for the plan for victory document. If not, I don't know how I missed it.

I agree it would have been good for the president to have the plan outlined and public much earlier, but do you really think most of the troops think that globally about their job. I know I didn't when I was in. I wanted to know what the keys to me succeeding in my and my group's goals. And, it has nothing to do with being self-centered. As a peon in the Air Force, it was my job to do the small tasks that fit into a larger plan. I'm sure if I had been in the line of fire, I would have cared even more about my goals to make it through the daily missions.

I'm sure in every briefing that happens in Iraq, they are told what the keys of accomplishing their particular mission of that moment. Sometimes the blinders might even help the troops a little. If the plan called for everything to be done on a certain date, and then things don't work out and you are there a few months later, that would probably be much worse for the troops.