Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Definitions of altruism on the Web:
(al·tru·ism) (al¢troo-iz-[schwa]m) unselfish concern for the needs or interests of others, providing gratification vicariously or from their responses.
the view that the well-being of others should have as much importance for us as the well-being of ourselves. Some argue that altruism, even if it is desirable, is not possible, and that our ethics must be based on egoism.
A form of behaviour in which an individual risks lowering its fitness for the benefit of
from Alter, other. A quality opposed to Egoism. Actions tending to do good to others, regardless of self.
An action or institution designed to promote human welfare.
Acting for the sake of other people's interests. There are two forms. Ethical altruism: people should act with other people's interests in mind, and learn this through experience. Psychological altruism: people are compelled to act with other people's interests in mind, because altruism is instinctive.
Behavior that benefits another individual at a cost to the actor, where cost and benefit are defined in terms of reproductive success.
A behavior that costs the doer and benefits others. Anthropology 60 Teaching Assistants are the only true altruists known to exist.
Acting to benefit others while disregarding one’s own
An unselfish concern for another person.
altruism: is a term that refers to doing good deeds and service work for others out of the goodness of one's own
Altruistic actions are those performed for the sake of others. Altruism is the hypothesis that morality involves acting for the sake of others.
Conferral of a benefit on other individuals at an apparent cost to the benefactor. See Chapter
from Morton Hunt (p. 21) "Behavior carried out to benefit anotherat some sacrifice to oneself, and without, or not primarily because of, the expectation of rewards from external sources".
the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
Altruism is either a practice or habit (in the view of many, a virtue) as well as an ethical doctrine.


Anonymous said...

Hey. No fair doing your homework in your blog.

Are you going to be altruistic on Saturday when UM and Iowa play? I would get great gratification from an Iowa "W". Would you be provided vicarious gratification for my happiness? Or would you be pissed at the ref's and their blown calls? I'll try to behave if it goes the other way.


Anonymous said...

Oops. I hate slow response times that make me click twice. I'll have to add that to my pet peave list.