I'm so glad I have this blog--not to post things that I've mastered or hills I've taken, but to remind myself how far I have to go. If I were to only post ideas or concepts--ways of behaving and interpersonal skills, methods of relating to God--that I had completely conquered, I have nothing to write. Yet here is a free means of constantly checking my progress, I hope I'm progressing, on things that are so costly. I am a work in progress, and I hope my writings challenge others, too.
All I can do is try, try again and hope others understand (and be proud of) what it is I'm trying to do and be . . . Because I will screw up.
Every one says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive. C.S. Lewis
How rivers change their path
The other day, we took the kids to the bookstore to pick up a shiny new
book. The girls picked books out with no problem (other than maybe having
too many ...
12 years ago
I don't understand a word you wrote in your comment: "My prayer is that my wife can be won over by seeing true reconciliation and forgiveness being actualized and not just theorized. My goal is that our tiny microcosm becomes a light for her children." Nothing will win your wife over but the work of the Holy Spirit and YOUR faithful witness. Secondly, the light for her children, and for the macrocosm, should be CHRIST---in you. (Col. 1:27) So, whoever you are, please don't put any added pressure on me. I've seen that act for too long. Love will solve your problems.
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