There are a lot of nice people who aren't Chrisitians. They may even be considered "good." There are a lot of so-called Christians who aren't very nice. So, what's the difference? Sometimes I believe that there really aren't that many. An awareness of God? Maybe, maybe not. Many people may believe in God, but don't claim to be religious (a term I loathe but is recognizable to many) at all. A belief that Jesus was a great man? Possibly. Historical-types may believe that Jesus lived once and would even go so far as to say he was a great teacher of a lot of great truths concerning how to treat others. I think one difference is the belief that Jesus still exists and is know-able. Yet, it's sad that people (myself included) who claim to know him often misrepresent him so often. Probably because many church people like to "spread the gospel" more than they, or recognize the need to, merely humbly offer to introduce someone to a great friend of theirs. If we really appreciate what God has done in our lives, as authentic Christians, won't it come through more effectively in our life than through a bullhorn? It's like we are trying to reruit people to "our side." Jesus didn't do that. He loved people. Everybody, equally. That's the difference. That's what I need to do. Jesus was and is God. If God is love, and I claim to know him, why do I suck at loving others? Maybe I'd be better off as one of those people who seem to be naturally nice. I wonder if everybody thought Jesus was "nice" all the time? Probably not. We normally don't torture and kill "nice" people.
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Ben Wilcox
How rivers change their path
The other day, we took the kids to the bookstore to pick up a shiny new
book. The girls picked books out with no problem (other than maybe having
too many ...
12 years ago